5 yoga poses for core strength

5 Yoga Poses for Core Strength

A balanced yoga practice will strengthen your core and everything else.

Remember that your core is so much more than your abs. Your core muscles include those of the pelvic floor, abdominals, back, and even your diaphragm. Therefore, pretty much every pose you do (and every movement you make in general) is going to use them.

Of course, some yoga poses give you more opportunity to build strength than others. I particularly like to practice these five yoga poses for core strength.

Boat Pose (Paripurna Navasana)

yoga poses for core strength boat

Boat is a classic for strengthening the abdominals as well as the hip flexors.

Make this pose less challenging by holding your hamstrings or bringing your feet to the floor, and more challenging by straightening your legs.


Reverse Table Pose (Ardha Purvottanasana)

yoga poses for core strength table

This half upward plank pose builds core strength while opening the chest and shoulders.

You can let your head fall all the way back if you find it comfortable (I tend to hold mine toward my chest, as pictured). You can make it more challenging by doing a full upward plank pose by straightening your legs, remembering to keep the knees facing the sky.


Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana)

yoga poses for core strength side plank

All versions of side planks are great core strength builders, but I’m currently partial to this graceful but challenging variation with the bottom leg lifted.

Beginner? Start your side plank journey on your elbow and knees.


Locust Pose (Salabhasana)

yoga poses for core strength locustLocust builds strength throughout your back body.

You can vary this pose by leaving the legs on the ground, or try lifting one at a time. Breathe deeply and continue to lift your legs and chest with each breath. Sarpasana, or snake pose, is a similar pose I really like where you lace your fingers behind your back (palms facing each other).


Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III)

yoga poses for core strength warrior III


Warrior III is a challenging balance pose, so if you’re a beginner you could start by keeping your hands on a chair. You can also keep that long line from your head to your foot at a different angle, so that your foot is closer to the floor and your head farther away. To make it more challenging, reach your arms forward so that your head is between your biceps.


What are your favorite yoga poses for core strength?

New to yoga? Read this to help you prepare for your first class, try these five poses you can do right now, and check out these five you can do without even getting out of bed.