get paid to teach yoga

Yes, You Should Get Paid to Teach Yoga

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Yes, You Should Get Paid to Teach Yoga

Sometimes I hear new teachers say, “I don’t feel like it’s fair to charge for yoga. It should be free and accessible for everyone.”

I’ve gone through that same thought process, and I still understand the sentiment: I, too, wish everyone could and would reap the benefits of yoga.

If we, as teachers, are truly practicing what we preach about being loving, inclusive, and generous, shouldn’t we offer our services for free?

In a word, no.

What we do is valuable.

My teacher told me, “Don’t charge too much. Don’t charge too little.” Yoga teachers spend a lot of time and money to become teachers, and to stay teachers. We invest in ourselves so we can give back to our students, and it’s perfectly fair to expect them to offer something in exchange.

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