5 yoga poses you can do right now

5 Yoga Poses You Can Do Right Now

People say they can’t do yoga for this reason or that reason, but the truth is, yoga really is for everyone. Not ALL yoga poses are for everyone, mind you, but everyone can do something. You can even do yoga from a chair.

These are five basic, gentle poses that almost anyone can do. If going to a yoga class feels intimidating, start here. Doing these for five minutes per day DOES count! It feels good and it gets you started on a yoga journey. (Then try some beginner yoga classes online!) Remember to breathe deeply and listen to your body.

Easy Pose

It’s called “easy pose” but it can actually feel quite challenging if you have a weak core or tight hips.

yoga poses


– Sit cross-legged.

– Feel both sit bones on the floor, and imagine you’re lifting up and away from them through the crown of your head.

– For a more active version, start with your hands by your sides and lift them above your head as you inhale and down as you exhale.

– To make it easier to start, sit on a pillow or yoga block.



Kneeling Downward Dog

It lengthens your back, opens your shoulders, and feels oh, so good. I’m loving this pose so much right now; I do it in almost every one of my yoga practices.

yoga poses kneeling downward dog

– Keep your hips above your knees. Spread your finders wide. Keep some weight on them as you let your head and chest lower toward the floor.

– Try kneeling on a pillow to help your knees. Your head doesn’t have to touch the floor; you can rest it on a pillow.


Cobra builds strength and flexibility in your back. Remember, you don’t have to lift up as high as I am in the picture. Start by using just the strength in your back to lift your chest and shoulders off the floor.

yoga poses - cobra

– Lie on your belly. Place your hands directly under your shoulders, fingers spread wide.

– Imagine a string on the top of your head, and as you inhale it starts to lift you up. Relax your glutes.



– If you’re ready to lift higher, use your hands to pull back against the mat, like you’re trying to slide yourself through. You’ll start to feel it in your arms.

– Keep your shoulders back. Imagine pressing your heart forward through your shoulders.

– Keep breathing as you hold the pose, or exhale and lower back down.

Child’s Pose

This pose is about healing, relaxation, and rejuvenation. It can be helpful if you have trouble sleeping. It’s also where I encourage my yoga students to go during class if they feel like they need a moment to center and recover before continuing.

yoga poses child's pose

– From a kneeling position. lower your hips to your heels and your head onto the floor. You can separate your knees to breathe more easily.

– If your head doesn’t touch the floor, rest it on a block, pillow, or even your hands.

– To help your knees, try kneeling on a soft surface and/or placing a pillow between your hips and heels.

Standing Side Bend

Side bends open up our rib cages and increase the flexibility of our intercostal muscles, making it easier for our lungs to expand.

yoga poses side bend


– Start from a standing position with your weight evenly distributed through both feet.

– Inhale to bring one arm up. Exhale as you take it over your head, palm facing in, leaning to that side.

– Stay long through the spine. Think about that hand reaching up and away from you, toward where the wall meets the ceiling.

– For extra support until those side muscles strengthen, you can place your other hand on your hip. Eventually, you can do this pose with your hands together over your head.




If you’re just starting your yoga practice, I would recommend taking classes with a teacher. It’s very helpful to have someone to look at your body in the yoga poses and let you know what’s happening. We get used to using our bodies in certain ways, and we don’t always realize what we’re doing. For example, we might think we’re “sitting up straight” until we look in the mirror (or a teacher points it out) and we realize our backs are actually quite rounded.

Have you tried these poses? How do they feel to you?