matcha chai recipe and review

Matcha Chai Recipe and Green Root Tea Matcha Review

(I received this product as a gift or at a discount in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.)

Having just spent nearly seven weeks in India, I’m back to being obsessed with chai. So delicious! And when I got home and had this new matcha by Green Root Tea waiting for me, I got an idea.

I love matcha lattes, so it occurred to me to make my chai with matcha instead of black tea, and I’m super happy with the result.

Matcha Chai Recipe

Mix a teaspoon (or a bit more to taste) with 1/2 cup of hot (not boiling) water. (Green Root Tea has excellent instructions on the back of their package on how to properly prepare matcha.)

Heat 1/2 cup of coconut milk with 1/4 teaspoon vanilla plus dashes of ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, and black pepper to taste. Pour this mixture into your matcha. Stir and enjoy!

matcha chai

You could also add a little honey after it has cooled a bit, but I find it to be sweet enough with the coconut milk.

You could also boil cinnamon sticks, cardamom seeds, fresh ginger, black peppercorns, and whole cloves in water, strain that water and mix with a teaspoon of matcha, then add plain coconut milk. It just takes a bit longer and I don’t tend to have those whole spices on hand.

Green Root Tea Matcha

For this particular beverage so far, I’ve been using Green Root Tea matcha.

green root tea matcha

It’s organic, which is important to me. It comes in 2-ounce and 4-ounce packages. I got the 2-oz one to review, but you’ll notice that the 4-oz package is a much better value (at the time of this writing) at $27.85 (vs. $18.35 for the 2-oz), so I would go with that if you’re making a purchase. If you like the matcha latte or this matcha chai, you’ll be wanting one a day so you’ll definitely use it! (See also this peanut butter matcha balls recipe — there are lots of uses for this healthy green tea powder!)

matcha powder for matcha chai and other recipes

This matcha is a beautiful vibrant green color with a strong green tea taste and smell. If you love green tea, you’ll love matcha; if you’re not so into green tea, that’s where recipes like matcha chai, matcha lattes, and the matcha balls make it easy to add this to your diet.

I would be happy to get Green Root Tea matcha again. Matcha is a must in my kitchen nowadays!