12 days of yoga

12 Days of Yoga

If you’re getting stressed this holiday season, and especially if you’re letting your exercise or yoga routine slide, get yourself back into the groove with these 12 Days of Yoga!

Starting today and finishing up on December 25, practice each day’s “assignment” just like the song–so on the first day, you do the pose from the first day; on the second day, you do the poses from the first day and the second day, and so on.

If you do the poses in order each day by starting with the first day’s pose, you’ll have a nice little sequence put together by Day 12! Finish each day with a few minutes in savasana (corpse pose). If you’re participating in #DoYogaWithMeDecember with me and Classy McGraceful on Instagram or on Facebook with Yoga for Runners, you can follow this challenge to keep you on the mat this month if you’re running low on inspiration! (If you haven’t been participating…just start now!)

There’s no reason to wait until January 1 to start that resolution. Get started now, and by the time 2016 rolls around you’ll be two weeks ahead of the game.

On the 1st Day of Yoga, Your Body Best challenged me…

…to one child’s pose. An easy, calming, rejuvenating start to these next 12 days!

12 days of yoga child's pose

On the 2nd Day of Yoga, Your Body Best challenged me…

…to two low lunges.

12 days of yoga low lunge

On Day 2, your sequence looks like this:

Start in child’s pose, spending as much time there as you’d like. On an inhale, sit up and step forward with your right foot, keeping your left knee on the ground. Breathe deeply as you settle into this low lunge for several breaths. Repeat on the left side, spending time in child’s pose in between if you’d like.

On the 3rd Day of Yoga, Your Body Best challenged me…

…to three downward dogs. For a challenge, inhale to a plank in between each one. For a more restful option, come to child’s pose between each downward dog.

On Day 3, your sequence looks like this:

Start in child’s pose, then do your right and left low lunges. Return to child’s pose, then lift up to downward dog, taking a few breaths there. Inhale to plank (or lower to child’s pose to rest), then exhale back into downward dog. Repeat once more for a total of three downward dogs, each one several breaths long.

On the 4th Day of Yoga, Your Body Best challenged me…

…to four deep breaths in plank pose. If it’s uncomfortable on your wrists, come down on your elbows. Keep that strong, straight line from your head to your toes–or your head to your knees if you’d like to keep your knees on the ground.

12 days of yoga plank

On Day 4, your sequence looks like this:

Start in child’s pose, then do your right and left low lunges. Return to child’s pose, then lift up to downward dog, taking a few breaths there. Inhale to plank (or lower to child’s pose to rest), then exhale back into downward dog. Repeat once more for a total of three downward dogs, then return to plank and hold for four deep breaths.

On the 5th Day of Yoga, Your Body Best challenged me…

…to five forward folds. From tadasana (standing), inhale your arms above your head, then exhale as you dive forward, bending at the hips and reaching your fingers for the floor. Repeat five times.

On Day 5, your sequence looks like this.

Start in child’s pose, then do your right and left low lunges. Return to child’s pose, then lift up to downward dog, taking a few breaths there. Inhale to plank (or lower to child’s pose to rest), then exhale back into downward dog. Repeat once more for a total of three downward dogs, then return to plank and hold for four deep breaths. Step both feet between your hands and inhale to tadasana with your arms overhead. Exhale as you bend to forward fold. Inhale back to standing, and repeat for a total of five.

On the 6th Day of Yoga, Your Body Best challenged me…

…to six deep breaths in chair pose. From tadasana with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointed forward, inhale your arms above your head, then exhale as you bend your knees and sit back like you’re going to sit in a chair. Keep the knees in line with your hips and ankles. Hold for six breaths. If holding is too much for today, try standing each time you inhale and coming to chair pose each time you exhale, repeating six times.

On Day 6, your sequence looks like this:

Child’s pose, right and left low lunges. Return to child’s pose, up to downward dog. Inhale to plank, exhale back to downward dog a total of three times. Return to plank and hold for four breaths. Step both feet between your hands and inhale to tadasana, arms overhead. Exhale to forward fold. Inhale back to standing; repeat for a total of five. Exhale into chair pose; hold for six breaths.

On the 7th Day of Yoga, Your Body Best challenged me…

…to seven half-moons. From tadasana, inhale your arms above your head. As you exhale, take one arm down to your side and reach the other arm over head in that direction, stretching your side. Inhale both arms back up, and repeat on the other side. Do each side seven times.

yoga poses side bend

On Day 7, your sequence looks like this:

Child’s pose, right and left low lunges. Return to child’s pose, up to downward dog. Inhale to plank, exhale back to downward dog a total of three times. Return to plank and hold for four breaths. Step both feet between your hands and inhale to tadasana, arms overhead. Exhale to forward fold. Inhale back to standing; repeat for a total of five. Exhale into chair pose; hold for six breaths. Inhale to tadasana, arms overhead, then exhale one arm down as you lean to that side. Inhale back up, and repeat on the other side. Continue for seven on each side.

On the 8th Day of Yoga, Your Body Best challenged me…

…to eight breaths in tree pose–on each side! From tadasana, bring one heel onto your other ankle (keeping your toes on the ground for extra balance), calf, or thigh. Take care to put the foot above or below the knee on the balancing leg. Stand tall and hold for eight breaths. Repeat on the other side.

12 days of yoga tree

On Day 8, your sequence looks like this:

Child’s pose, right and left low lunges. Return to child’s pose, up to downward dog. Inhale to plank, exhale back to downward dog a total of three times. Return to plank and hold for four breaths. Step both feet between your hands and inhale to tadasana, arms overhead. Exhale to forward fold. Inhale back to standing; repeat for a total of five. Exhale into chair pose; hold for six breaths. Inhale to tadasana, arms overhead, then exhale one arm down as you lean to that side. Inhale back up, and repeat on the other side. Continue for seven on each side. Bring your palms together over your heart, and lift one leg into tree. Hold for eight deep breaths.

On the 9th Day of Yoga, Your Body Best challenged me…

…to nine flying birds. Lie on your belly and spread your arms and legs wide, like a star. On the inhale, lift your limbs off the ground, bring your heart up off the mat, as well. Keep looking at the floor just in front of your mat. Exhale and lower down. Repeat nine times.

On Day 9, your sequence looks like this:

Child’s pose, right and left low lunges. Return to child’s pose, up to downward dog. Inhale to plank, exhale back to downward dog a total of three times. Return to plank and hold for four breaths. Step both feet between your hands and inhale to tadasana, arms overhead. Exhale to forward fold. Inhale back to standing; repeat for a total of five. Exhale into chair pose; hold for six breaths. Inhale to tadasana, arms overhead, then exhale one arm down as you lean to that side. Inhale back up, and repeat for seven on each side. Bring palms together over your heart, and lift one leg into tree. Hold for eight breaths. Return to tadasana, exhale to dive forward and place your hands on the ground. Step back to plank; lower yourself to the floor. Spread your arms and legs wide, and as you inhale lift your limbs off the floor. Exhale to bring them back to the floor. Repeat nine times.

On the 10th Day of Yoga, Your Body Best challenged me…

…to 10 tables. As you inhale, lift your hips up off the ground, creating a straight line (or as close as you can get it!) from your knees to your chin. Your knees stay above your ankles; your shoulders are above your wrists. Exhale lower down. Repeat 10–yes, 10!–times.

yoga poses for core strength table

On Day 10, your sequence looks like this:

Child’s pose, right and left low lunges. Return to child’s pose, up to downward dog. Inhale to plank, exhale back to downward dog a total of three times. Return to plank and hold for four breaths. Step both feet between your hands and inhale to tadasana, arms overhead. Exhale to forward fold. Inhale back to standing; repeat for a total of five. Exhale into chair pose; hold for six breaths. Inhale to tadasana, arms overhead, then exhale one arm down as you lean to that side. Inhale back up, and repeat for seven on each side. Bring palms together over your heart, and lift one leg into tree. Hold for eight breaths. Return to tadasana, exhale to dive forward and place your hands on the ground. Step back to plank; lower yourself to the floor. Spread your arms and legs wide; inhale limbs up and exhale them down nine times. Press to child’s pose. Rest a moment, then come to a seated position. With feet and hands on the floor, inhale to lift your hips up off the ground to table pose. Exhale lower down. Repeat 10 times.

On the 11th Day of Yoga, Your Body Best challenged me…

…to 11 windshield wipers. Lying on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor mat-width apart. Keeping the feet connected to the floor, let both knees move slowly to one side toward the floor, then move them to the other side.

On Day 11, your sequence looks like this:

Child’s pose, right and left low lunges. Return to child’s pose, up to downward dog. Inhale to plank, exhale back to downward dog a total of three times. Return to plank and hold for four breaths. Step both feet between your hands and inhale to tadasana, arms overhead. Exhale to forward fold. Inhale back to standing; repeat for a total of five. Exhale into chair pose; hold for six breaths. Inhale to tadasana, arms overhead, then exhale one arm down as you lean to that side. Inhale back up, and repeat for seven on each side. Bring palms together over your heart, and lift one leg into tree. Hold for eight breaths. Return to tadasana, exhale to dive forward and place your hands on the ground. Step back to plank; lower yourself to the floor. Spread your arms and legs wide; inhale limbs up and exhale them down nine times. Press to child’s pose. Rest a moment, then come to a seated position. With feet and hands on the floor, inhale hips up and exhale them down 10 times.Lie down on the floor and place your feet on each edge of the mat. Lower your knees to one side and then the other. Repeat 11 times.

On the 12th Day of Yoga, Your Body Best challenged me…

…to 12 intentional breaths timed to the movement of your arms. Lying on your back, bring the soles of your feet together and let your knees fall open to each side. (If this isn’t comfortable, you can straighten your legs.) Lace your fingers and place your hands in your lap. Keeping your arms straight, inhale as you move your arms overhead toward the floor behind you. Exhale them back to your lap. Focus on timing your movement to match your slow breaths. Repeat 12 times.

On the 12th Day, your sequence looks like this: