30 Days of Gratitude

With Halloween behind us, November starts the holiday season–or so say the stores. I saw all sorts of Christmas stuff on my November 1 grocery trip. But before Santa and the tree comes Thanksgiving and these 30 days of gratitude. Though it was far from my favorite holiday growing up (it put my birthday, which […]

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yoga and fear

Yoga and Fear

Happy Halloween! As we down the candy and think about all things scary (I’m still working up the courage to watch IT), it’s a good time to talk about yoga and fear. Yoga and fear seem almost opposite, but they come together in two ways: Yoga can help reduce anxiety. Sometimes, people don’t do yoga […]

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is novelty yoga still yoga?

Is Novelty Yoga Still Yoga?

You’ve probably seen the videos: adorable little goats hopping all over people as they do yoga. It’s springing up all over the place. And then there’s yoga with weights. Yoga in super hot rooms and yoga in the snow (snowga). Practice to heavy metal music! Do yoga in the air, with partners, and on slack […]

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Benefit of the Doubt

The Benefit of the Doubt

Giving people the benefit of the doubt is one of my basic tenets for living. You might call it “look for the best in people” or “assume good intent.” It’s yoga in action. Someone is rude, someone cuts you off in traffic, someone takes the last cookie…I try to put myself in their shoes and […]

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