tips for sticking to a yoga practice

Tips for Sticking to a Yoga Practice

I get it: good habits can be tough to form, and when it involves physical activity it can be even harder. I don’t always feel like getting on the mat, either, but now that I’ve developed the habit, I do it anyway. (Read more about motivation vs. discipline.)

So what helps when it comes to sticking to your yoga practice? I’m sure it’s different for everyone, but I’d like you to try these and see what happens:

Don’t Give Yourself a Time Requirement

It’s easy to say, “Oh, I can’t do an hour, so I guess I shouldn’t bother.” But that’s silly! Five minutes is better than zero minutes, so even if you feel like you can’t put in an hour or more, just get on the mat and put in the time you do have. You can try this short and sweet yoga practice if you’ve got 15 minutes.

Make It Easy on Yourself

When I say this, I mean anticipate and eliminate excuses. Have a clear spot where you can place your yoga mat without having to move furniture. Pick out your yoga clothes and even roll out your mat the night before, so when you wake up you can just get dressed and get started. Put your phone on silent and in another room.

Spread the Word

Tell your family and close friends that you’ve made a commitment to practice yoga regularly, and ask them to help hold you accountable.

Set Process Goals

Depending on how your body is shaped and put together, you might never do a full scorpion pose, so don’t set that as a goal for your practice. Instead, focus on your process, your system.

For example, you could set a goal to practice yoga for 240 minutes per week. That’s a process goal. There’s no outcome to focus on; you just check off the minutes and feel a sense of accomplishment for doing what you say you’re going to do.

It’s fun to work toward new yoga poses, but don’t let that be the purpose for your practice. You’ll naturally progress physically if you’re putting in the time on the mat — for which you’ll enjoy a host of other benefits, as well.

Remember Why You’re There

You deserve to feel your best, and yoga goes a long way in making that happen. Whatever reasons you have for starting yoga (back pain relief, flexibility, stress relief, fun, etc), keep them at the front of your mind.

What helps you stick to a yoga practice or fitness program?