healthy morning routine

The Importance of a Healthy Morning Routine

How many of us of face the morning by hitting snooze a few times, grumbling and groaning, and downing a cup of coffee while rushing out the door? Is that how you want your whole day to feel?

Your morning routine can set the tone for your entire day, especially when it comes to healthy habits. Even if you’re not a morning person, you can develop a simple morning routine that sets you up for success and healthy choices throughout the day–no matter when morning starts for you.

This is how I start my day:

I wake up without an alarm.

This used to happen naturally around 7:00. Nowadays, my dog Max wakes me up around 5:30 or 6:00. Even so, a gentle wet nose to the shoulder is preferably to a sudden loud noise. When I do need an alarm (like on travel day), I use a tranquil, soothing sound. I take him outside and watch him work furiously to burn off the energy he saved up all night.

I smile.

Even a forced smile has been shown to have a positive effect on your brain and your mood.

I dry brush my entire body.

Dry brushing is an ancient technique that is growing in popularity, and for good reason. It stimulates your lymph system, improves circulation, removes dead skin, and supports digestion. It has even been said to reduce cellulite. To top it off, it feels good and helps you wake up. Choose a brush with natural bristles and use it daily, brushing toward your heart. This is one of several healthy habits I adopted this year and it’s still going strong.

I drink a cup of warm lemon water.

(I actually use limes, which are easier to come by where I live.) Sometimes I follow this up with coffee and coconut milk, sometimes not.

I practice class

I don’t demand a certain length of time from myself, I just get on the mat and do whatever feels good that day. For you to get started, this could be just five or ten minutes of simple, gentle stretching–maybe before you even get out of bed. Just get your body moving and show it that you care enough about it to keep it flexible, especially if you’re gearing up to go to a job where you have to sit all day. (Though there are also some yoga poses you can do in a chair.)

I make a power-packed breakfast smoothie.

These are three of my favorite smoothies, so most of what I do is centered around those basic recipes–but each day is a little different. I also tend to put chia, flax, and hemp seeds as well as turmeric in every smoothie I make! Don’t be afraid of the turmeric, despite it’s bright yellow color–you won’t taste it in the smoothie, and it contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is said to help with joint pain, protect the brain, and fight cancer.

I go to the gym.

For four months of marathon training, this is when I did my run. Now I head to the gym for some lifting or a group fitness class.

You have to determine the best time of day for your workout. I prefer the morning because it allows me to get it done before the day’s surprises interfere with my schedule.

When your morning routine gets you started well, you feel more motivated to continue and finish well! Design a routine you enjoy that includes healthy choices, whether that means exercise, positive thinking, or wholesome food–hopefully some combination of all three! Stick with it for as long as it takes to become second nature, and notice how your entire day changes for the healthier.