spend less time sitting

How to Spend Less Time Sitting

You go to the gym, so you lead an active lifestyle, right?

Maybe. But not so much if the rest of your day is spent sitting.

You’ve probably been seeing a lot of headlines lately about how sitting is bad for our health. In fact, “they” (the ones who know these things) are saying that a regular gym session isn’t enough to combat the effects of sitting if you spend your entire day at a desk…followed, perhaps, by another hour in the car, plus some time at the dinner table and on the couch watching television.

As soon as you sit down, your legs pretty much turn off. You’re not burning as many calories as you would be if you were standing (a minimal amount, for sure, but that still adds up over time). Prolonged periods of sitting have been shown to increase your risk for a colorful variety of diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular issues.

So what do we do? We can’t all quit our desk jobs and become farmers, dog walkers, or professional athletes. But it’s clear that we have to do something. It will require a bit of effort, but this is your health we’re talking about. It’s worth it. Start here and spend less time sitting:

Take the Stairs

I’ve said it before: one flight isn’t going to make you sweat, it’s not going to make you breathe too hard…just do it. Skip the elevator. In that vein, walk instead of drive if it’s only a couple of blocks, and choose that distant parking spot rather than driving in circles looking for a closer one.

Plan Active Outings

Instead of letting every social event revolve around a dinner table, make plans with your friends to go hiking, take a dance class, join a recreational sports league, or even just window shop around town.

Set a Timer

Set your phone to remind you to get up and walk around at intervals throughout the day. The break is good for your mind as well as your body. If you get stuck on something at work, stand up to think it through rather than slouching back in your chair.

Stand When You Can

Don’t gravitate toward the nearest chair every time. Stand while you’re waiting at the DMV or riding on public transportation. Consider a standing desk to use at least part of the time at work. Pace while you’re on the phone.

Keep Your Gym Routine

Maybe your workouts can’t fully counteract all-day sitting, but they still come with plenty of benefits you don’t want to lose.

Exercising in addition to becoming aware of how much we sit and how we can stay more active throughout the day is the best we can do to fight back against our chair-oriented lifestyles.

And while you’re in the chair, take a look at these five yoga poses you can do right there. Squeeze a little extra movement in!

How many hours a day do you spend sitting? How can you decrease that number?