moms need exercise

Why Moms Need Exercise and How to Fit It In

Happy Mother’s Day! I’m not a mother myself, but I have one, and I know lots of them. I was a full-time nanny for more than a year (four kids) and I’m currently watching my nephews several days each week, so while I know it’s not the same, I do have an inkling of the demands placed on your time and sanity.

But moms need exercise. You’ve got to find time for it. You owe this to yourself, because:

You Stay Healthier

You can’t show up for the people in your life unless you’re feeling well. Your family deserves you at your best. You deserve yourself that way, too. To my mind, this is the biggest reason moms need exercise. It will make you a better mom.

You Have More Energy

It takes a lot of energy to keep up with kids–and to deal with their tantrums about having the wrong color cup. A quick workout boosts your energy and your mood.

You Set a Good Example

Kids are always watching. It’s creepy. But we can use it to their advantage by setting a good example of how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Not only that, but putting yourself first and insisting on taking care of yourself is also a good model for them to follow. Especially, I believe, for little girls. Let them see a mom who loves herself, who takes care of herself, and who takes care of her family but not at the expense of her own health and well-being.

moms need exercise

Okay, moms need exercise. We agree. But now…how to fit it in? I don’t know. Every situation is so different, depending on the ages of your kids, how many there are, whether or not you work outside the home, and how often your baby cries. But here are some ideas.

Get Up 15 Minutes Earlier

Yep, 15 minutes of exercise is better than none, and you can get a lot done in 15 minutes. Those 15 extra minutes of sleep aren’t going to make a lot of difference in whether or not you feel tired when you wake up, but those 15 minutes of exercise will make a difference in how you feel throughout the day, and in your overall health.

Get Your Kids Involved

If they’re old enough, they might like to exercise with you, or at least be involved. I regularly do yoga with my nephews (ages three and five) and I recently taught them to do burpees. I put the baby (now 8 months) on the floor beside me during yoga sessions, and I involve him in some of the poses by holding him in my lap or against my leg.

For more ideas, check out this video of a mom working out with her kids.

Get Help

I don’t mean with the kids, although that’s nice, too. I mean with fitness. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you won’t make the best use of the time you have. Take advantage of YouTube videos and home exercise equipment and DVDs, or hire a personal trainer and tell him you’ve got 15 minutes a day: what should you do with it to get the best results?

Think Non-Traditionally

You don’t have to go to the gym for an hour to get your workout in. Incorporate some of those ideas in that video and get your movement in throughout the day. Squat to lift your child in the air 10 times–it counts as play time for him, exercise time for you, and quality time for you both. Chase her when she asks to be chased. Look for opportunities to lunge, push-up, and take the stairs.

Remember: This Won’t Last Forever

For better or worse, the demands your kids place on your will change as they grow. Make do while you can, with quick early-morning non-traditional workouts or whatever you have time for, so you’re not starting completely over when you find yourself with time to go to the gym again.

Forgive Yourself

You know what? You might not get to exercise every day. It’s okay. Instead of beating yourself up when you miss one or two workouts and deciding to give it up altogether, just do what you can. Consider each workout a victory rather than looking at each missed workout as a failure.

Moms, have a beautiful and well-deserved Mother’s Day! And I do want to hear from you, because you amaze me. I’m writing this in snot-covered pajamas with one eye on a near-toddler to make sure he’s playing with his toys and not any electrical cords, and I’m just the babysitter. You know moms need exercise, too. How do you make time for it?